Complete In Jesus – Lacking Nothing

Complete In Jesus – Lacking Nothing

Complete in Jesus

Isn’t it good to know that we are complete in Jesus? Apostle Paul tells us that in Jesus we are complete. We draw all we need from Him in whom is all wisdom and knowledge. All. We are in Christ and He is in us. Complete. We lack nothing.

Have you discovered that you are complete in Jesus?

Is this true in your life? Or would you argue the point? Are you lacking something?

He has everything we need for life. There is no greater source to meet our needs than those resources found in Jesus Christ. He is the vine from which to draw all we need for life. Go to Him and receive all you need. He has all we need. He is all we need. His life lived in us is all we need for there is no lack in Jesus Christ.

I am complete in Jesus

I can say without Him I would be lost. Wandering in darkness like those without His life. He is my life, the breath I breathe, the blood in my veins.

I am not alone. It is not my abilities. It is not my strength. It is not my resources.

Take a few minutes to check what you think you lack. See what is missing in your life. Then go the letters from Apostle Paul to read who you are in Christ and what can be true of your life.

Jesus has all you need. All. Go to Him. Receive from Him what you need for the next hour, for tonight, for tomorrow. He will provide abundantly.

Words to light your path

…of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge…and you are complete in Him.” Colossians 2:3,10 NKJV

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature  2 Peter 1:2-4 NKJV

Heavenly Father, You are my good, good Father. Earthly fathers may fail us, and damage us, but You are not like them. You are perfect. You love us with a love that seeks the best for us. You have made us complete in your Son. We lack nothing when we understand who we are in Christ.

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