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Tag: works

Subtle Danger to the Believer’s Walk

Subtle Danger to the Believer’s Walk

One simple, but subtle danger in the Christian walk, is not seeing God in the ordinary. In our everyday, often mundane life it might not seem important to know God is very much involved in our life minute by minute. It is obvious that His presence is needed in a preaching, teaching, or singing ministry. But, His presence is just as essential in our daily life, whether we are changing a flat tire, washing dishes, doing our job, or simply…

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Feet Washing? – Jesus Taught Us Servanthood

Feet Washing? – Jesus Taught Us Servanthood

What does feet washing have to do with Christianity? Have you washed any feet lately? I mean other than your own or your children’s feet. What do I mean? Now, what about feet washing? John 13:1-17 Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. In their country, during that time people walked dusty roads in sandals or barefoot. Their feet got dirty. The polite thing to do when you had company was to offer to wash their feet. What was Jesus teaching them?…

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