Reckless Abandonment – Trusting God in the Rough Times

Reckless Abandonment – Trusting God in the Rough Times

reckless abandonment

Reckless abandonment is simply leaving all in God’s care. It is giving it to Him with no strings attached. Trusting God to know what is best. Trusting God to provide for all we need.

Sometimes it is difficult to abandon and relinquish when all around you is in upheaval when you are out of your comfort zone for very long. Unless we have a sure faith in God we might find it difficult to trust Him.  During the trying times of life, when demands are made on us that we can’t give, God still wants us to abandon ourselves to His care knowing that He is well aware of all that is happening. Nothing has taken Him by surprise.

God’s Leading

If we belong to Him our steps are ordered by Him. There maybe times that we may not like where He leads us, but it is He that is leading us. We aren’t just careening through life.  We aren’t at the mercy of our enemy, at the mercy of others, or at the mercy of ‘fate”. He is in charge.

If we unexpectedly find ourselves in trying place, that is the time to cling even more tightly to our Savior. Like Peter walking on the water, the waves can get our attention. But if we keep our eyes on our Savior we will not sink. He isn’t wanting us to fail. He wants our faith to grow, our trust in Him to take deep root, and become a robust faith that no circumstances can shake.


Currently, (August 2017) I am far from home sitting in a hospital room with a relative whose life has taken a sudden change. His future looks uncertain. I’ve been here nearly a week staying in his home. Even that is an inconvenience in that it is 70 miles from the hospital.

My husband and I took a three-week vacation in July/August during which we spent 3 of those days in ICU with my brother in Washington and 4 days with my husband’s relative in a Montana ICU.

We were home just two days when it was decided that I would fly back to Washington to be with my brother’s family.

It is only as I keep my eyes on my Savior that I am not overwhelmed. He is my hope and stay. He is my anchor. He is my source for all I need. I cannot do this by myself. I must trust God during the difficult times.

It is only as I am attached to the Vine drawing all I need for every situation. In that, I find a rest. In that, I find a peace. I know He has all I need.  I don’t need to feel overwhelmed. I don’t have to carry this myself. I don’t have to do this myself.

Have you found yourself in a difficult position where demands are made on you that you feel inadequate to meet? How have you handled it? Are you trying to carry the load yourself?

God wants you to share your load with him. He has given you something to do, but He does not expect you to do it in your own strength. He gives us something to do that places demands on us but then meets those demands Himself if we will let Him. He wants us to trust him during the difficult times.

Reckless Abandonment

Will you abandon yourself to his care? Think not of yourself. Think only of Him, and he will see you through the most trying of times.

“Casting all your care on him for he cares for you. ” 1 Peter 5:7  Abandon all to him and to his care. 

Psalm 9:9-10 “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And those who know Your name will put their trust in you; for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

Psalm 62:1-2 “Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.”

How has my situation ended? It has not, yet. But I do have a flight scheduled to go home. Will I go home for much needed rest? My natural self says “Yes, I need a rest.” But, immediately, my spirit says “I am fine”. I have no need of rest.

I experienced that same conversation with myself once before after spending the evening in ER after taking a person who had attempted suicide to the hospital. I was interviewed three times by law enforcement. By the time the I was free to go, my natural self needed a quiet place to drink a cup of tea before I drove the 25 minutes home. But then I realized I didn’t need that break. I was not spent. I hadn’t spent anything. It has all been the resources of God that I spent and they were endless.

It is in recklessly abandoning ourselves to God’s care and provision that we find peace and rest when called upon to be there for others.

Lord God, the Great One, help us to abandon our lives to Your care and provision.

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